My life is sucking the life out of me.
Right now I'm thankful for:
- Hallelujah Chorus flash mobs.
Since Father John said I'm not to be thankful for my health or my happiness (actually an excellent homily on Thanksgiving morning -- again, I say, we're lucky to have this guy) I'm thankful for the things that contribute to those things (which I do have, thankyouverymuch...)
Like this spinning group meet-up at the shop. We spun. We carded. We ate cookies. What a great afternoon.
On Thanksgiving proper, Dear Daughter and I spent the morning with our Parish family making Thanksgiving dinners for our elderly and shut-in parishioners. That's always a party. Dear Son and Hubster helped deliver the dinners.
That afternoon, after eating Thanksgiving dinner out for the first time in my life (the food was fine -- made better, of course, by the fact that I didn't have to cook it all nor did I clean up after the meal), I got to sit in my in-laws' family room and knit. All afternoon.
To whit. Yay me. (Vogue Knitting, #11 Eyelet Cowl, Hello Yarn fiber, 4.2 ounces.)
I hope your Thanksgiving was lovely too.
That is my big regret of the weekend, missing thanksgiving meal prep and morning mass. It is always my favorite part of Thanksgiving.
Posted by: Bridgett | November 27, 2010 at 10:50 AM