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December 19, 2010



Those are amazing. The picture is stunning and exhausting to think of the time!


wow! you sure have been busy, no wonder you havenĀ“t blogged. hope you achieve your last goals too, and I hope you have a very happy christmas together with your loved ones.
best wishes from Iceland


Those hats are incredible and I'm sure they will be loved! No wonder you haven't had time to blog!


Love them in a row like that.


You are insane - sad thing, is that I am completely jealous!


OMG! They're all beautiful - and complex - and colorful, and I'm sure the mega-dozen cookies are the same. And if you're reading all those books on the sidebar in your "spare time," I now understand why nobody else has time - you got it all! At least you've made good use of it, and we appreciate you taking a smidgen of it to blog us a recap.


Whoa! That's a really cool assortment you have there. Love it! And now I feel quite inadequate with my seven hats that are kind of plain in comparison. Good luck on the rest, but I know you'll make it in record time. You must have gotten a time turner in your stocking some holiday past. Ha!


You are my idol! Those hats are absolutely beautiful!


I am incredibly impressed. Oh---- and I feel very very very much like mega-slacker. They're gorgeous, kudos!

Tracy in SW WA

The hats are amazing, intricate and bee-yoo-tiful.

You are insane.

Can I have a cookie?

(Merry Christmas!)


There may not be intelligent life, but there is definitely super-productive life!

Beautiful hats!


You have some lucky, lucky, lucky family members. Those are gorgeous!


Wow! Great job! I'm sure they were all well received.

Merry belated Christmas & a Happy New Year!

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