- First off, this (it's a Yahoo News link). Here's what I think (and this is totally not a viable solution, I know, I'm just hoppin' mad). Everyone should get to opt out paying for of so-called safety-net programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, WIC, Food Stamps, etc if he or she wants to. If someone doesn't want to participate in society, it's obviously his or her choice. Two conditions, though. It should be a public choice -- you don't want to pay for this stuff, don't just cheer anonymously in a rabid crowd, put your name down so I can see it. Second, you opt out of the benefits as do your dependents. Period. If that's what you believe it means to support each other in society, fine, you're un-subscribed. Hope nothing bad or out of your control ever happens to you. I mean that with all my heart too, because I'm just that kind of gal.
- Speaking of bad or out of control, a family we know has had a difficult time lately with a severe injury happening to an adult child who lives across the country. Luckily, he has insurance and he'll be ok. Meantime, his mom has flown there to be with him and his dad and younger siblings are here. Through church, we're making meals for the family this week. Monday, I cooked for much of the day and caught up on Boardwalk Empire. Add Steve Buscemi to the list of people I'll watch do anything (it's a short list... Colin Firth, Anna Paquin, Rufus Sewell). Weird, I know. I made lasagna, Mulligan Stew, and these cookies.
Peanut butter, chocolate chip, butterscotch chip. They are awesome, but they'd be better if I'd sprinkled them with sea salt and turbinado sugar before baking them... a little sweet/salty crunch on the top would have put them into the "sublime" category.
- Knitting the Fibonaci striped sweater has stalled. I'm going to run out of yarn and it's 8 years old and discontinued and the place I bought it originally doesn't have it any more and no one who has it in their stash on Ravelry will talk to me. Pooh. I've found a sub and may order it. Pooh again.
- Since Fibonaci is stalled, I started something else. Vitamin D in my hand-spun. I'm Ambivalent so far.
I love the way it's knitting up, but it's a little uneven. Gauge issues I think. Soon, I'll wet it and see if I like the results. The yarn is this:
I plied Spunky Eclectic's club colorways Night Owl and Changes together. The resulting yarn is a squooshy dk weight 2 ply. We'll see if it's the right yarn for this sweater. Time and knitting will tell.
- Now, The Game of Thrones is the black hole of my time. Bridgett thinks it's dark. There must be something wrong with me that I don't really... I'm hard wired to enjoy the medieval I think. I can look past the filth and throat slitting and just enjoy the rawness. The social network in this kingdom? Someone else's dagger... And I love Peter Dinklage -- he's a kind of out-of-the-ordinary but very appealing choice for this role. Lots of knitting and watching.
- And finally, I made this little craft project for our bedroom out of some toile I found and fell in love with.
- Yeah, loved it until Rachel made me watch this:
Yeah. That's all.
the weird thing (and I believe that very few americans really know this) is that the american public health system costs the government wayyyy more pr.capita than the ones we have here in Scandinavia. and still, here everyone gets all the care and help they need, free of charge, but in your country letting someone die because they didn´t buy their own insurance is considered a real option.
best wishes from Iceland
ps. your yarn looks gorgeous, so if you decide you don´t like it, I have space in my closets, or somewhere.
Posted by: Frida | September 15, 2011 at 09:10 AM
Uh, Ann? I sort of completely love your birds. That is awesome in a completely non-ironic sort of way.
Posted by: Rachel | September 15, 2011 at 09:12 AM
Bummer about the Fib sweater. And yes on your first point. What a great idea! Too bad there isn't a way to actually administer something like that.
Posted by: Carole | September 15, 2011 at 10:08 AM
can you ship some of those cookies to peter's house in time for mom's b-day? they look amazing.
Posted by: regan | September 15, 2011 at 10:45 AM
Peter Dinklage is quite quite awesome in GoT. In fact, his character is one of the only appealing things about the show for me. Mike loves it. My sister loves it. You love it. I watch with my hands over my face.
Posted by: Bridgett | September 15, 2011 at 05:35 PM